
Travelling to Moerbisch by bus or train

Public transport for your journey to Moerbisch

Enjoy a stress-free, safe and comfortable journey to Moerbisch using public transport. Travel to the independent Das Schmidt hotel by bus or train from Vienna in just 2 hours.

Whether travelling with family, friends or loved ones, the Das Schmidt holiday hotel is a fantastic holiday home in the picturesque holiday region of Moerbisch by Lake Neusiedl. The Burgenland region with the national park and Lake Neusiedl UNESCO World Heritage Site is the ideal place to set your soul free and re-charge your batteries.


Travelling to Moerbisch by Lake Neusiedl

You can enjoy a stress-free and straightforward journey to Moerbisch by the lake using public transport. In this way, you can set your biological clock to holiday mode as soon as you arrive. Watch the picturesque landscapes zip past the window. The closer you get to your holiday destination, the warmer it will become too – the sun shines in Moerbisch for 300 days of each year!

A safe journey to your holiday destination by train or bus

You can find information on your fastest connection by public transport to Moerbisch by Lake Neusiedl at or for travelling from Germany at

Travelling to Moerbisch: you can travel from Vienna-Schwechat Airport to Moerbisch by post bus or by using a taxi service from Vienna via the motorway to Moerbisch.

Vienna-Suedbahnhof - Eisenstadt - Moerbisch

Do you have any questions about travelling by public transport to Moerbisch? Simply send a non-binding enquiry to the team at the independent Das Schmidt hotel. The Schmidt family wish you a good and safe journey to Moerbisch.